The One where I Try to Learn on a Rainy Sunday Afternoon

I tried to read the chapter on Lambda Calculus in the Imposter’s Handbook today and it made me feel like a complete idiot. I did not understand anything beyond the first few pages.

Things that I’m taking away from this:

  • This might not be the book for me. The author actually said in his introduction that it is aimed at experience programmers which I am definitely not. I might need to look for other resources to improve my understanding of fundamentals.
  • I need to think about my schedule(s). I read this chapter on a Sunday afternoon between household chores and I’m completely swamped with things I need to do. I don’t think my concentration levels are where they should be for a topic like this. I should try to figure out at which time of the day and days of the week I can do different learning tasks. And I need to take a step back and acknowledge that December is a stressful month even without the 2 not-Christmas-related events that took away my time this week, and that it’s okay to do a little less right now.