The One with Speed and Agility

I repeated my Saturday morning from last week: sitting in my rocking chair, knitting while watching a talk about software development.

This time it was Kevlin Henney talking about how Agility does not equal Speed at Brewing Agile in 2018. I think I saw this talk tweeted about sometime last week and put it in my watch later because I had never watched that particular talk, but I love watching Kevlin Henney speak about all things software. Actually he was one the speakers at the first ever conference I went to, NorDevCon 2017, and I was so impressed back then and this has not changed.

I have a picture on my phone that I took during his talk of a slide where he quoted a Harvard Business Review study on group intelligence and women and that slide was in the talk I watched today, too. That was cool. The rest of the talk was also amazing, as per usual. I’m not going to summarise it as I feel that’s not really a good idea with the way these kinds of keynotes are structured, so I’ll just leave you with the video to watch it yourselves. I’d highly recommend watching if you want some food for thought on software development, agility, knowledge aquisition and value. I’m definitely going to think some more now.

Kevlin Henney. Agility ≠ Speed