The One with Full Content in RSS

Today is a bit weird with the types and times of meetings I have so I have lots of mini time slots for doing some random stuff. I have already posted and updated resources from the conference last week, read through the rest of my notes to see what I could talk about at our next Learning Hour and provided a UI view for all entries from my Happiness Index thingy. It looks really ugly for now but I think it will stay like this for a while, until I find the time to talk through it with someone who knows more about this than I do.

Another small thing on my list was to update the RSS file to contain all the content of my blog posts for feed readers. I am personally very annoyed if I can’t see a blog post’s whole content in my reader. I get why it makes sense to force the reader to click through to your site but I myself don’t care about page impressions at all, I am much happier if more people read the whole content (and maybe even give me feedback) so I don’t feel like I’m writing only for myself here.

So this post is actually mainly a test for the feed update. The one person I know who read this via a feed reader has sent me this blog post about how to get the full content to show up in Hugo feeds. I don’t really care about old posts (until someone complains about this, I guess), so I only updated the RSS XML. Let’s see if it works.